Taiwan Seaweed Jade Bangle

Taiwan Seaweed Jade Bangle

$ 300.00
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Seaweed jade, a kind of agate jade, forms only during deep sea volcanic activity near hydro-thermal vents. The main component, silica crystal forms near deep ocean volcanoes (siO2)Irregular volcanic activity causes sudden temperature drops in the surrounding icy ocean waters., Pressure and temperature drops cause a leaching effect in the silica and fine jade myelin forms in many jade colors depending on the nearby minerals; the agate might give rise to jades of green, black, yellow and brown colors, branched with classic green jade- a bit like seaweed growing in the agate, so it is called seaweed jade.

It was formed millions of years ago, deep in the ocean by intense phenomena.

Seaweed jade is widely believed to mitigate tension and stress, balance positive and negative energy of the body, stabilize moods, encourage better sleep by absorbing irritability; and, it is believed to promote abundance, happiness and longevity.



This Bracelet's inner diameter is 55mm

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